Beautiful Sunday with Chocolate Muffin and Mint Flower Tea

The alarm rang at 8.00 am this morning, and I prepared myself to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients that I wanted to cook with the frozen scallops. I bought the frozen scallops from my friend after my friend’s parents ceased their catering services during the Covid-19 pandemic in Singapore.

Sunday’s morning was free and easy, and I took a walk from my apartment to the nearby mall. Most of the places in Singapore require every individual to check-in and check-out using the Safe Entry application. It is a handy application to capture location, date and time whenever we are outside of our homes.

Although I did not like to share my personal information, such as NRIC, I think this is a piece of valuable information for contact tracing. However, I cannot track back myself, a little drawback of the application.

Now, it is an hour before my standby call for the Covid-19 ad-hoc operation. I am going to my colleague to check the bug in the application. Meanwhile, I am writing this entry and enjoying a pot of mint flower tea. I bought the mint tea leaves sometimes ago with my friend.

Chocolate muffin

My friend baked chocolate muffins and shared one of them to me. I refrigerated the muffin for a day before eating it. It looks great when I opened the container. I paired the chocolate muffin with a cup of hot mint flower tea. Both the muffin and tea blend well.

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