Visit 52 Singapore Interesting Places

I was scrolling Facebook and I bumped into a post by Goody Feed that shared about a Singaporean created a map with 52 interesting places to visit for Singaporeans. I clicked on the link in the article to find out more information.

The creator used the Alpaca map from Alpaca Travel, a mapping toolkit for content creators to pin the locations. I saw it interesting to know where the local Singaporeans go to normally. It covers islandwide.

Why 52 places instead of more?

The creators created this based on 52 weeks in the calendar year so that we can travel every week to different places. I think I should try to visit all of them if possible. For now, I would like to repost the post for everyone and I think even the tourists may want to check out these places.

You may refer to the link that I put in the reference section.


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