Xiang Ji Chicken Rice

A random visit to the Bedok Reservoir hawker centre on one of the weekdays as a friend brought me here to try their chicken rice which always sold out fast during lunch time. There were not many stalls open when I reached here. I am unsure whether the stalls in this hawker centre open mostly in the early morning and close around lunch time.

I did not walk around to other rows of stalls to explore the hawker centre because we wanted to secure our plate of chicken rice. Be early for the food. The queue moved pretty fast and it would be good to get ready with what you want to get before your turn.

I had roasted chicken breast meat with a braised egg. It came with a small bowl of soup. The rice was quite fragrant, not oily, and generous in portion. It was more than enough for the chicken and egg. Their chicken was tender, not dry and quite a decent portion for breast meat, I got at least 6 or 7 pieces of breast meat. It went well with the chicken rice chilli paste and it can be eaten without chilli too because they put some light soy sauce on top.

Besides steamed chicken and roasted chicken, I saw they were selling barbecue pork too but I did not notice if they were selling roasted pork.

Address: 630 Bedok Reservoir Rd, #01-26, Singapore 470630.
Google link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/41LrPcW6PjWLfowt8
Google rating: 4.0 stars

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